Between the Real and the Virtual World: Research on Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety by James Burnett and IAIN Pontianak

Pontianak, Desember 22nd , 2023 – The State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak and the University of Aberdeen have joined forces in a research endeavor, reaching the successful completion of the data collection phase. Led by James Burnett, a distinguished Ph.D. student from the University of Aberdeen with degrees in B.A., M.Sc., TESOL, the study owes its success to the support and permission granted by the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty (FTIK) at IAIN Pontianak, Prof. Dr. H. Hermansyah, M.Ag., and the head of the English Tadris Study Program, Sulaiman, M.Pd.

The title is “A study into the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (iVR) and its impact on foreign language public speaking anxiety amongst English language learners studying at university in Indonesia,”. The research involves a two-week course with 12 participants, strategically divided into three groups. Each group will undergo varying degrees of presentation practice, including immersive VR sessions, aimed at assessing potential differences in outcomes related to foreign language speaking anxiety.

Sulaiman, M.Pd., the Chairman of English Tadris Study Program, emphasized the significance of this research for the development of English language teaching approaches in the Indonesian academic environment. “This research introduces a new dimension by leveraging Virtual Reality technology, and I believe its outcomes will provide valuable insights into understanding and addressing challenges in public speaking anxiety. Moreover, it has been a valuable experience for the 24 participating students,” he stated.

Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd., the Secretary of the English Tadris Study Program, underscored the importance of exploring new methods, particularly those related to technology, to create a supportive and effective learning environment for students. “Understanding the impact of Virtual Reality on speaking anxiety can open doors for further innovations in English language learning at IAIN Pontianak,” she added.

As the Research Coordinator, Militansina, M.Pd., expressed pride in the high dedication of the students involved in researching the impact of Virtual Reality on English language speaking anxiety at IAIN Pontianak. Over the 20-day research period, students demonstrated exceptional enthusiasm and interest in iVR technology. Militansina highlighted the participants’ progress in overcoming research challenges, understanding Virtual Reality concepts, and improving presentation and English language skills. She hopes this experience will serve as a foundation for students to evolve as competent and innovative English educators, contributing positively to the future of education.

In acknowledgment of the collaboration between IAIN Pontianak and the University of Aberdeen, Militansina presented a personal painting of the Digulis Monument, painted by herself, to James as a meaningful souvenir. This gesture responded to James’s specific request for a distinctive Pontianak painting, showcasing its uniqueness with a touch of professionalism in honoring the guest. The Digulis Monument, or the pointed bamboo monument, symbolizes eleven Sarekat Islam(Islamic Union)  figures from West Kalimantan considered dangerous by the colonial government and were exiled to Boven Digul Island because of their resistance for the nation’s independence from colonial rule. The eleven political figures from West Kalimantan are: Achmad Marzuki, Achmad Su’ud bin Bilal Achmad, Gusti Djohan Idrus, Gusti Hamzah, Gusti Moehamad Situt Machmud, Gusti Soeloeng Lelanang, Jeranding Sari Sawang Amasundin. Subsequently, Haji Ris bin H. Aburahman, Moehammad Sohor, Moehammad Hambal, also known as Bung Tambal, and Moehammad SohordanYa’ Moehammad Sabran.In commemoration of their contributions, a monument consisting of eleven pointed bamboo poles was erected in 1968 and inaugurated by the Governor of West Kalimantan, H. Soedjiman (1977-1988), on Heroes’ Day, November 10, 1987.

As a meaningful gesture, Militansina marked the occasion by presenting her book on English language learning, incorporating Pontianak Malay cultural content, as a profound memento related to the inseparable connection between Malay culture and religious dimensions. This action aligns with IAIN Pontianak’s vision and mission, continually emphasized by the Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Syarif, S.Ag., MA., in making the institution a center for scholarly, Islamic, and Borneo cultural studies.”

During his visit, James was warmly welcomed by students with joy and enthusiasm. Students expressed their appreciation by presenting unique Pontianak souvenirs to James. In their personal creations, Nabil, Ratu, Faqihatun, and Rico depicted the beauty of local culture and sketched James’s face. Virda, with her kindness, offered traditional Pontianak food as part of the cultural treat. Engla, skilled in knitting, contributed knitted keychain ornaments as a creative gesture. James’s visit not only left academic imprints but also cultivated close and enjoyable relationships between the guest lecturer and students, creating an unforgettable learning experience. The 24 students felt happy and inspired by the positive interactions with James. James appeared delighted with the mementos and gifts given by the English Language Teaching students.

As students presented their profiles, reasons for choosing the English Tadris study program, and discussed figures and theories related to English language teaching, James gave high praise. He stated that the students were not only highly fluent but also capable of delivering engaging explanations, using visually relevant images, and interacting effectively with the audience. James expressed confidence that English Language Teaching students have the potential to continue their studies at the University of Aberdeen. He hoped that this collaboration would not only provide valuable research experiences but also open new opportunities for the development of English language teaching methods and future collaborations.

The Ph.D. research visit by a student from the University of Aberdeen sparked enthusiasm and garnered high appreciation from the faculty and students in the English Tadris study program at IAIN Pontianak. The presence of this student researcher added value to the academic atmosphere, fostering a positive collaborative environment. The faculty and students warmly welcomed the visit, recognizing the significance of knowledge and experience exchange. In the spirit of openness to further collaboration, they expressed readiness to host visits from other researchers interested in conducting research in the English Language Teaching program at IAIN Pontianak. This eagerness reflects their dedication to facilitating intellectual exchange and advancing knowledge in the field of English language education.

Writer: Militansina, M.Pd.

Kerja Sama Antara IAIN Pontianak dengan Universitas Aberdeen (James Burnett, B.A., M.Sc., TESOL.) tentang Dampak Immersive Virtual Reality pada Kecemasan Berbicara Bahasa Asing

Pontianak, 20 November 2023 –Seorang mahasiswa Ph.D. yang berprestasi dari Universitas Aberdeen, James Burnett BA., M.Sc., TESOL., saat ini sedang menjalankan penelitiannya yang sangat menarik berkerjasama dengan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak. Penelitian ini bekerja sama dengan Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris yang dipimpin oleh Sulaiman, M.Pd., serta dengan dukungan dari Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) IAIN Pontianak, yaitu Dr. H. Hermansyah, M.Ag.

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh James Burnett, B.A., M.Sc., TESOL. berkaitan dengan “A study into the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (iVR) and its impact on foreign language public speaking anxiety amongst English language learners studying at university in Indonesia.” Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pemahaman tentang efektivitas realitas virtual yang mendalam (iVR) dan dampaknya terhadap kecemasan berbicara di depan umum dalam bahasa asing, khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris di universitas di Indonesia.

Dalam upaya mendukung penelitian tersebut, Sulaiman, M.Pd., sebagai ketua Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris di IAIN Pontianak, menyatakan, “Kami sangat bangga dapat berkolaborasi dengan James Burnett B.A., MSc TESOL dalam penelitian ini. Topik penelitian yang dipilih sangat relevan dengan perkembangan terkini dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di lingkungan akademis Indonesia.”

Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd., sekretaris program Tadris Bahasa Inggris, menyampaikan optimisme terhadap manfaat potensial dari penelitian ini. “Memahami dampak iVR pada kecemasan berbicara akan memberikan wawasan berharga untuk metode pengajaran kami. Penting terus menjelajahi metode baru untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang mendukung dan efektif bagi siswa kami,

Militansina,M.Pd., yang menjabat sebagai koordinator, menambahkan, “Kerjasama antara James Burnett, B.A., MSc TESOL dan IAIN Pontianak menciptakan peluang untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui pendekatan inovatif menggunakan teknologi iVR. Kami berharap hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan berharga untuk pengembangan metode pembelajaran di masa mendatang.

Proyek penelitian ini mencerminkan komitmen bersama untuk mendorong inovasi dalam pendidikan bahasa Inggris dan meminimalkan hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi oleh para pembelajar bahasa asing, terutama dalam hal kecemasan berbicara di depan umum. Dengan dukungan penuh dari IAIN Pontianak, James Burnett, B.A., M.Sc., TESOL. diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pemahaman kita tentang penerapan teknologi iVR dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa di Indonesia.

Penulis: Militansina, M.Pd.