Jalin Kerja Sama dengan Sekolah/Madrasah, Prodi TBI Adakan IA Signing Ceremony dan Evaluasi Program Magang

Pontianak, 4 Desember 2024 – Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) IAIN Pontianak menggelar kegiatan Evaluasi Magang 1 dan Magang 2 yang bertempat di Ruang Rapat 314, Gedung K.H. Syaifuddin Zuhri. Kegiatan yang berlangsung dari pukul 13.00 hingga 15.00 WIB ini juga dirangkai dengan agenda penting lainnya, yakni penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (Institutional Agreement – IA) dengan sekolah dan madrasah mitra.

Acara ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Pengembangan Lembaga FTIK, Eka Hendry AR., M.Si., Koordinator Pusat Penjaminan Mutu FTIK, Vidya Setyaningrum, M.Pd., Ketua Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd., Sekretaris Prodi TBI, Oki Anggara, M.Si., serta dosen pengampu Magang 1 dan Magang 2, Sigit Aprisama, M.Pd., dan Primatasha Desvira Dizza, M.Pd.

Acara ini juga menghadirkan para kepala sekolah/madrasah mitra yang telah mendukung pelaksanaan program magang sebagai berikut:


  1. ⁠SMAIT Al-Mumtaz Pontianak (Zaenuri, ST., M.Pd.)
  2. ⁠SMPN 6 Pontianak (Dra. Sri Yanti, M.Pd.)
  3. ⁠SMPN 24 Pontianak (Teguh Santoso, S.Pd.)
  4. ⁠SMPN 8 Pontianak (Sunarto, M.Pd.)
  5. ⁠MTsN 2 Pontianak (H.Edi Setiawan, S.Ag., S.Pd.)
  6. ⁠MA Islamiyah (Hidayat Oceandar FR., S.Ag.)
  7. ⁠MTs Nurul Islam (Zainiyah, S.Ag.)
  8. ⁠⁠MA Imaduddin (Ahmad Khairul Fajri, S.H., S.Pd., M.H.) 
  9. SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak (Deni Hamdani, S.Pd.I.)
  10. ⁠SMAN 13  Pontianak (Elfi Husniwati, S.T., S.Pd., M.Pd.)


  1. SMP Mujahidin (Paryono, M.Pd.)
  2. SMPN 16 Pontianak (Hj. Liza Ervina, S.Pd., M.Pd.)
  3. MTs Nahdlatus Syubban (Ahmad Sarkawi, S.Ag., M.Pd.I.)
  4. SMP Islam Walisongo (Idawati, S.Pd.)
  5. MAN 1 Pontianak (Drs. H. Razali, M.Pd.)
  6. SMKN 5 Pontianak (Hj. Millu Hatriwati, S.Pd., M.Pd.)

Pada kesempatan ini, dilakukan pula penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (IA) antara TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak dan sekolah/madrasah mitra.

Acara ini dibuka oleh Dekan FTIK Prof. Dr. H. Hermansyah, M.Ag. yang diwakili oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Pengembangan Lembaga, Eka Hendry AR., M.Si., menyampaikan pentingnya sinergi antara perguruan tinggi dan sekolah mitra.

Kemitraan ini merupakan wujud nyata dari komitmen FTIK untuk mencetak calon pendidik yang unggul. Melalui kerja sama ini, kami ingin memastikan mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman praktik yang relevan sekaligus memberikan dampak positif bagi mitra,” jelasnya.

Ketua Prodi TBI, Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd., menekankan pentingnya evaluasi sebagai bagian dari perbaikan berkelanjutan. “Kami terus berkomitmen untuk mendengar masukan dari mitra agar program magang ini menjadi semakin berkualitas. Ke depan, kami juga berencana meningkatkan pelatihan bagi mahasiswa agar lebih siap menghadapi dunia kerja,” ujarnya.

Acara diakhiri dengan sesi diskusi interaktif antara pihak FTIK, para dosen, dan perwakilan sekolah/madrasah. Dengan berakhirnya kegiatan ini, diharapkan sinergi antara FTIK IAIN Pontianak dan sekolah/madrasah mitra semakin kuat, mendukung pengembangan pendidikan yang berkualitas di Kalimantan Barat.

Schoters is Hiring for All Internship Positions!

Schoters is an ed-tech startup that facilitates everyone to get admitted to top Universities worldwide. We are always in search of the best candidates to be part of our dynamic team.

If you’re on the hunt for an innovative, growing, and supportive learning environment, Schoters is the place for you!

This is a full-WFA (Work-From-Anywhere), paid internship opportunity. If you’re up for the challenge, let’s join us in making dreams come true!

Check out the full list of available positions and apply now:


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US Embassy Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP)

The U.S. Embassy Jakarta is seeking active university students in Indonesia to join our internship program at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya and Medan, and the U.S. Mission to ASEAN in Jakarta.

This opportunity is available for Indonesian students who are in their 5th semester in any Indonesian university and have a minimum GPA 2.75.  Please note that while English proficiency isn’t required, it is preferred.

Opportunities are open for all degree programs. However, please note that some vacancies may require specific knowledge or specific educational background.

This internship program is an integral part of the United States – Indonesia partnership that strengthens the bond between these two nations.

The internship program is from June 13, 2022 through August 19, 2022.

This is an unpaid program; no compensation and benefits are offered.

Applications for the internship must be submitted between January 24, 2022 and February 18, 2022.

Interested applicant should submit a complete application by email to: JakartaFNSIP@state.gov.  Please indicate the section you are applying for in the subject of your email (Email subject: 2022 FNSIP for [section name/name of the city]). For example: 2022 FNSIP for Public Affairs Section/Jakarta.

Application forms are mandatory and need to be attached to the email (do not use shared drive to send your forms):

  • U.S. Embassy application for FNSIP (PDF – 168 KB).
  • Statement of Interest (MS Word – 17 KB). Please indicate in 1-2 pages why you are interested in joining the internship program and why we should select you to be part of our annual internship program. This is mandatory.
  • Gratuitous Service Agreement (no compensation or benefit) (MS Word – 24 KB)
  • Academic Transcript.
  • Letter of permission to intern at the Bi-Mission Indonesia from the university.
  • Confirmation letter regarding personal medical insurance. (A scanned copy of your BPJS card should be sufficient. If you don’t have a BPJS, please send us the letter from your medical insurance agency).

Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

  • Indonesian citizen.
  • Minimum 18 years old.
  • Current university student with Minimum GPA 2.75.
  • Students must be in their 3rd year of a bachelor’s program or in 1st year of a master’s program.
  • Must have personal medical insurance during internship program (BPJS or others).

2022 Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP) Process Timeline.

Please be informed that the timeline might changes due to the circumstances.

  • Vacancy Announcement: January 24 – February 18, 2022.
  • U.S. Embassy reviews applications: February 22 – March 11, 2022.
  • Interviews for selected applicant(s): March 14 – 31, 2022.
  • Conditional Offers (only for successful candidate(s)): April 4 – 8, 2022 (by email).
  • Clearance process: April 11 – May 31, 2022.
  • Formal Offers: June 1– 3, 2022 (by email).
  • Internship First Day: June 13, 2022.
  • Internship Last Day: August 19, 2022.

Note: Due to the high volume of applications received, we are only able to contact applicants who are being considered. 

Available Employment Opportunities for FNSIP

The following employment opportunities are available. FNSIP student applicants must state the specific employment opportunities of interest on the U.S. Embassy application for FNSIP.

19 Position Vacancies in 13 Sections/Offices:
– Embassy Jakarta Public Affairs Section
– Embassy Jakarta Political Section
– Embassy Jakarta Customer Services Center
– Embassy Jakarta Information Service Center
– U.S. ASEA Mission Public Affairs Section
– U.S. Commercial Service Agency
– USAID Economic Growth & Education Office
USAID Development Outreach & Communication Office
USAID Environment Office
USAID Resident Legal Office
USAID Health Office
– Consulate General Surabaya Political/Economic Section
– Consulate Medan

More information, please click here!

Internship at Forbes Indonesia

1.  Student of any bachelor program
2. Fluent in english
3. Able to write in english, which is proven in writing examples
4. Interested to work in media industry, mainly printing and digital media
5. Creative, dynamic, good communication skill and teamwork

Attach CV included application letter, copy of transcript & writing example to: editor@forbesindonesia.com

[US-ASEAN Internship Program] Join the Webinar on Emerging Career Opportunities in Circular Economy, Sustainability, Climate Actions – Nov 10th!

Dear students and young professionals of Southeast Asia,

The US-ASEAN Internship Program—a collaboration between US-ASEAN Connect and US-ASEAN Business Council, is pleased to invite you to hear discussions from advocators and a top US company on recent developments on sustainability, circular economy, and climate action issues. The webinar will offer exclusive insights on emerging career trends & opportunities, knowledge, and skill-sets needed for sustainability-related professions.

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Nattavud Pimpa, Former Acting Director of ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue (ACSDSD)and Chair in Sustainability at Mahidol University
  • Catherine Sheehy, Global Lead for Sustainability Partnerships at Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
  • Tantrie Soetjipto,Commissioner at Panin Dubai Syariah Bank and Founder of Roemah Indonesia
  • Bernie Baskin (Moderator), Senior Director of Development, Sustainability, and Energy at US-ASEAN Business Council

This event is free of charge! A certificate of attendance will be provided upon completion of the survey at the end of the event.

For internship opportunities in the ASEAN region and further information on the US-ASEAN Internship Program, visit internships.usasean.org or contact Celine Kusnadi (ckusnadi@usasean.org).

The sixth US-ASEAN Internship Program Webinar Series:

“We Prosper: Emerging Career Opportunities in

Circular Economy, Sustainability, Climate Actions”

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 at 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM GMT+7

Register for free! bit.ly/USAIPSustainability