Promoting Cultural Awareness in English Language Education

In a globalized world, cultural awareness has become an essential component of English language education. Educators are recognizing that language learning is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about understanding and appreciating the diverse cultures that English represents. This realization is driving a shift towards promoting cultural awareness in English language classrooms.

Cultural awareness in language education goes beyond learning about customs and traditions; it involves fostering an appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures that use English as a means of communication. Here are some key aspects of this trend:

1. **Incorporating Multicultural Content**: English educators are diversifying their teaching materials to include content from a wide range of English-speaking regions. Students are exposed to literature, music, films, and other media that reflect the cultural diversity within the English-speaking world.

2. **Cross-Cultural Communication**: Language classes are increasingly emphasizing the importance of effective cross-cultural communication. Students are encouraged to develop intercultural competence, which enables them to navigate the complexities of interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds.

3. **Language and Culture Integration**: Language and culture are intertwined. Educators are helping students understand how language is influenced by culture and how culture, in turn, shapes language. This connection enhances language learning by making it more meaningful.

4. **Cultural Exchange Programs**: Many language programs are incorporating cultural exchange initiatives that allow students to interact with native speakers and experience the culture firsthand. These experiences are invaluable in developing cultural empathy and understanding.

5. **Critical Examination of Stereotypes**: Language classes are providing a platform for students to critically examine cultural stereotypes and biases. Encouraging open dialogue about these issues helps challenge preconceived notions and fosters a more inclusive and empathetic society.

6. **Language and Identity**: Language is deeply connected to identity. English educators are helping students explore the role of language in shaping personal and collective identities, which leads to a more profound appreciation of cultural diversity.

Promoting cultural awareness in English language education has far-reaching benefits. It not only equips students with the skills to engage effectively in a globalized world but also fosters empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness. These qualities are essential in today’s interconnected society, where understanding and appreciating diverse cultures are prerequisites for success, both academically and professionally.

In conclusion, the promotion of cultural awareness in English language education represents a positive and necessary shift in the field. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural contexts in which English is used, educators are preparing students not only to master the language but also to become global citizens who can navigate an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Penulis : Dr. Istiqamah Malik, MA

The Power of Storytelling in English Teaching: Enhancing Language Acquisition

Storytelling, a timeless and universal art, is proving to be a potent tool in the realm of English teaching. Educators worldwide are recognizing the immense benefits of incorporating storytelling into language instruction to enhance language acquisition, engagement, and retention.

Storytelling offers a compelling narrative structure that captures the imagination and interest of learners. Whether in the form of traditional tales, modern fiction, or personal anecdotes, stories provide context, emotion, and cultural insight that help students connect with the English language on a deeper level.

One of the primary advantages of using storytelling in English teaching is the improvement of listening and comprehension skills. Students are exposed to varied accents, tones, and colloquial language through narratives, making them more attuned to real-world conversational nuances.

Furthermore, storytelling encourages active participation and interaction in the learning process. Students can engage in discussions about the story, share their interpretations, and even create their narratives. This not only enhances speaking and writing skills but also fosters critical thinking and creativity.

Cultural awareness and empathy are nurtured through stories that depict different societies, perspectives, and experiences. English language learners gain a broader view of the world as they explore narratives from various cultures, eras, and backgrounds.

Incorporating multimedia and technology amplifies the impact of storytelling. Podcasts, audiobooks, videos, and interactive storytelling apps provide students with diverse formats to explore and engage with stories in English.

Additionally, storytelling can be tailored to the proficiency level of learners. Simple, straightforward stories can be used with beginners, while complex narratives challenge advanced learners. This adaptability ensures that storytelling remains an effective tool for all stages of English language education.

Educators often use storytelling to enhance vocabulary and grammar skills. Learners encounter new words and grammatical structures within the context of a narrative, making language acquisition more organic and enjoyable.

In conclusion, the power of storytelling in English teaching is evident in its ability to captivate students, enhance listening and comprehension skills, promote active engagement, cultivate cultural awareness, and adapt to various proficiency levels. With the diverse range of stories available today and the integration of technology, storytelling remains a dynamic and indispensable tool in the arsenal of English language educators, enriching language acquisition and fostering a love for the language.

Penulis: Vibry Andina Nurhidayah Hum


Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 15 Desember 2022 di Pondok Pesantren Mathlal’ul Anwar, yang beralamatkan di Jl. Pak Benceng No. 22A, Sungai Bangkong, Kec. Pontianak Kota, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat.

Dalam kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh:

  • Ketua Perguruan Mathal’ul Anwar Pontianak, yaitu Bapak Drs. H. Momon Salmon, M.Pd.
  • Kepala MA Mathlal’ul Anwar Pontianak Ibu Nurbaiti, S.P.
  • Kepala MTs Mathlal’ul Anwar Pontianak Bapak Nurhasan, S.Sos.
  • Kaprodi TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak, Bapak Sulaiman, M.Pd.
  • Sekprodi TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak, Ibu Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd.
  • Serta para Dosen TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak, dan juga para guru MTs dan MA Mathlal’ul Anwar Pontianak.
  • Dalam kegiatan ini, dihadiri pula 9 orang mahasiswa TBI yang berada di semester 5, 3, dan 1.

Jumlah peserta di dalam kegiatan ini yaitu berkisar antara 35 s.d. 40 perserta, yang teridiri dari para guru MTs dan MA Mathla’ul Anwar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengikat sebuah perjanjian antara pihak TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak dengan Pondok Pesantren Mathlal’ul Anwar untuk melaksanakan PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), dan juga Promosi TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak.

Bapak Sulaiman, M.Pd, selaku Kaprodi TBI FTIK IAIN Pontianak menyampaikan harapannya, “Saya harap pertemuan kita tidak hanya sekali dua kali, melainkan terus-menerus berlanjut. Setelah ini mahasiswa TBI akan melaksanakan magang 3 yang dimana saya harap bisa diadakan di sini juga” ucap beliau. Tak hanya itu, di dalam kegiatan ini juga terdapat penyampaian materi yang disampaikan oleh Sekprodi TBI, Ibu Nanik Shobikah,M.Pd, dan juga dosen TBI Ibu Militansina, M.Pd.

Penulis: Zia Putri Nurjannah

The Role of Technology in Modern English Language Education

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, technology plays an increasingly vital role in English language education. As the demand for English proficiency continues to rise, educators are harnessing the power of technology to enhance learning experiences and bridge language gaps. This article explores the transformative impact of technology on modern English language education.

One of the key technological advancements reshaping English language education is the proliferation of language learning apps and online platforms. These tools provide learners with access to interactive exercises, quizzes, and resources that cater to various language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students can customize their learning paths, making education more personalized and engaging.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are emerging as game-changers in language education. By immersing learners in virtual environments where English is the primary language, these technologies enhance both language comprehension and cultural understanding. Students can practice real-life scenarios, such as ordering in a restaurant or navigating a foreign city, all from the comfort of their classroom or home.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are revolutionizing language learning. AI-driven chatbots and language tutors provide instant feedback and conversational practice, which helps students improve their speaking and listening skills. NLP technology can analyze and correct written assignments, offering tailored suggestions for learners to enhance their writing abilities.

Furthermore, technology is fostering global connections. Through video conferencing tools and language exchange platforms, learners can interact with native speakers and students from different parts of the world. This not only improves language skills but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and international collaboration.

In conclusion, technology is reshaping the landscape of English language education, offering learners innovative, accessible, and engaging tools to acquire language skills. As technology continues to evolve, English educators are well-positioned to provide effective instruction that prepares students for a future where English proficiency is an increasingly valuable asset.

Penulis: Segu S.Pd, MA

Ikhtiar Cetak Guru Profesional, Prodi TBI Selenggarakan Magang 2

Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris FTIK IAIN Pontianak mendelegasikan mahasiswanya ke beberapa sekolah yang ada di Kota Pontianak dan sekitarnya untuk melaksanakan Magang 2. Beberapa sekolah yang menjadi tujuan, antara lain, MAN 3 Pontianak, SMAN 3 Pontianak, SMAN 8 Pontianak, MA Khulafau Rasyidin, MTsN 1 Pontianak, SMPN 2 Pontianak, SMPN 6 Pontianak, dan SMPN 12 Pontianak. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan mulai 11 s.d. 28 Oktober 2022.

Ketua Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Sulaiman, M.Pd mengemukakan program Magang 2 merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang diikuti oleh Mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris Semester V. Program ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang telah lulus di Magang 1 dan memenuhi kriteria lainnya. Program Magang 2 ini nantinya akan dilanjutkan dengan program Magang 3 di semester 7.

Sekretaris Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Nanik Shabikah, M.Pd menjelaskan jika calon guru harus memiliki kompetensi profesional, pedagogik, kepribadian, dan sosial sesuai bidang dan kompetensinya masing-masing. Bentuk peningkatan kompetensi guru antara lain, pengembangan isi kurikulum, kualitas pembelajaran, penilaian hasil belajar siswa, penyediaan bahan ajar yang memadai, dan penyediaan sara belajar. Maka dengan begitu akan mempengaruhi kualitas pembelajaran seorang guru. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Prodi TBI untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswanya yaitu melaksanakan kegiatan Magang 2. Magang 2 merupakan kelanjutan dari Magang 1 yang sebelumnya telah dilaksanakan pada semester 3.“Program magang ini merupakan proses observasi dan belajar yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa untuk mempelajari aspek pembelajaran di sekolah. Khusus Magang 2, setiap mahasiswa diminta belajar dan praktik menyusun perangkat pembelajaran yang dibimbing langsung oleh guru pamong yang ditunjuk sebelumnya,” terangnya.

Sementara itu, Dosen Pengampu Magang 2, Septian Utut Sugiatno, M.Pd berharap dari kegiatan ini semakin memantapkan kompetensi akademik yang dimiliki mahasiswa khususnya dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajaran yang dibimbing langsung oleh guru pamong berupa telaah dan penyusunan program tahunan, program semester, analisis silabus, pengembangan RPP, pengembangan media pembelajaran, dan instrumen penilaian. Selain itu mahasiswa juga dapat memahami tugas-tugas administrasi guru.

Penulis: Septian Utut Sugiatno, M.Pd

Dosen Prodi TBI dan Alumni FTIK Raih Artikel Terbaik III dalam Call For Papers Jurnal Khatulistiwa

(Pontianak 29/02 Dosen Tadris Bahasa Inggris FTIK IAIN Pontianak, Primatashah Desvira Dizza, M.Pd. bersama Alumni FTIK IAIN Pontianak, Fathaniah, M.Pd. terpilih sebagai Artikel Terbaik Ketiga pada kegiatan Call for Paper Jurnal Khatulistiwa yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pontianak. Kepastian penghargaan ini diperoleh pada 28 September 2022. Artikel tersebut berjudul “The Role of H. Wan Mohd. Shaghir Abdullah in Islamic Education in West Kalimantan”.

Menurut Fathaniah, M.Pd selaku penulis pertama, artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan peran H. Wan Mohd. Shaghir Abdullah saat melakukan perjalanan hidupnya di Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah perannya dari segi pendidikan, ilmiah, sosial, dan akhlak. H. Wan Mohd. Shaghir Abdullah ulama dari keluarga besar Patani yang aslinya tinggal di Malaysia. Ada beberapa kesimpulan dari penelitian ini. Dari aspek pendidikan, beliau adalah tokoh yang telah berperan dalam mendirikan sekolah modern pertama di Mempawah yaitu Pondok Pesantren Al-Fathaanah. Dari aspek ilmiah, Beliau berpengaruh besar karena banyaknya tulisan-tulisan beliau yang sangat bermanfaat terutama tentang tokoh-tokoh Islam di Indonesia yang belum terlalu diketahui khalayak ramai dan juga membuat buku-buku yang digunakan untuk murid-muridnya di pesantren dan Majelis Ta’lim. Dari aspek sosial, beliau telah memberikan seluruh penghasilannya dari penjualan buku untuk keperluan pondok pesantren dan juga kebutuhan sehari-hari murid-muridnya.

Tidak hanya itu, beliau memiliki sikap yang baik dalam bersosialisasi kepada siapapun. Beliau juga tidak pernah meminta bayaran dari kegiatan dakwah yang dilakukannya. Semua yang dilakukan semata-mata hanya mengharapkan ridho Allah SWT.  Dari segi akhlak, beliau sangat dikenal dengan memiliki akhlakul karimah. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari kesehariannya. Sehingga murid-murid dan warga di sekitar mendapatkan contoh yang baik darinya.

Primatashah Desvira Dizza, M.Pd selaku penulis kedua mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT dan terima kasihnya kepada LP2M IAIN Pontianak yang telah bekerja secara maksimal mulai dari pendaftaran hingga pengumuman artikel terbaik. Ia juga berterima kasih kepada para reviewer yang telah objektif menilai setiap artikel yang ada “Penghargaan ini kami jadikan sebagai motivasi untuk berbuat lebih baik lagi. Tentu apa yang kami raih hari ini tak lepas dari peran guru-guru dan dosen-dosen kami yang senantiasa memberi masukan maupun saran demi terwujudnya karya yang maksimal. Selanjutnya kami tidak akan berpuas diri, karena masih banyak hal yang perlu kami perbaiki dan pelajari terkait artikel jurnal ini,” terangnya.

Penulis: Septian Utut Sugiatno, M.Pd

Inclusive Practices in English Teaching: Meeting Diverse Learning Needs

Penulis : Dr. Istiqamah Malik, MA

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the importance of inclusive practices in English teaching is gaining prominence. English language educators are acknowledging the diversity of their students and embracing strategies that cater to a wide range of learning needs and abilities.

Inclusive practices in English teaching aim to create learning environments where every student, regardless of their background, abilities, or learning styles, can thrive. Here are some key elements of this trend:

1. Differentiated Instruction: Educators are tailoring their teaching methods to meet the varied needs of students. This may involve providing different levels of difficulty for assignments, offering alternative ways to demonstrate understanding, or giving students choices in how they learn.

2. Culturally Responsive Teaching: Recognizing that English learners come from diverse cultural backgrounds, educators are incorporating materials and approaches that reflect the cultures and experiences of their students. This not only makes learning more relatable but also fosters a sense of inclusion.

3. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): UDL principles advocate for creating lessons and materials that are accessible to all students. This may involve providing text-to-speech options, captions for videos, and other accommodations to ensure that every student can engage with the content.

4. Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Inclusive classrooms often involve collaboration between teachers, specialists, and support staff. This approach allows educators to work together to meet the diverse needs of students, whether they require additional language support or have specific learning challenges.

5. Flexibility in Assessment: Inclusive practices extend to assessment methods. Educators are providing options for students to showcase their knowledge in various ways, ensuring that assessments are fair and equitable for all.

6. Support for English Language Learners (ELLs): Recognizing that ELLs come with unique language needs, educators are providing additional support through targeted interventions, language assistance, and culturally relevant resources.

7. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Inclusive practices prioritize students’ social and emotional well-being. Educators are incorporating SEL into their lessons, helping students develop essential life skills alongside language skills.

8. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans: Educators are closely collaborating with students who have IEPs and 504 Plans to ensure that their specific accommodations and modifications are met.

Inclusive practices not only benefit students with diverse learning needs but also create a more enriching and supportive learning environment for all students. When every learner feels included and supported, it fosters a sense of belonging and increases their motivation to engage with the learning process.

In conclusion, inclusive practices in English teaching represent a shift towards embracing the diversity of learners and creating environments that accommodate a wide range of needs. By incorporating differentiated instruction, culturally responsive teaching, UDL, and flexible assessment methods, educators are working to ensure that every student, regardless of their background or abilities, has an equal opportunity to excel in English language education.

Penulis : Dr. Istiqamah Malik, MA

Engaging ESL Students: Creative Classroom Activities for English Teachers

In the dynamic world of English as a Second Language (ESL) education, engaging students is a fundamental challenge that dedicated educators are meeting with creative and innovative classroom activities. These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also help ESL students build language proficiency more effectively.

One of the key strategies is incorporating gamification into the ESL classroom. Educators are turning to game-based learning to make language acquisition more engaging. This approach involves using board games, word puzzles, and digital apps to teach English vocabulary, grammar, and conversation skills. These activities foster healthy competition and create a positive learning environment.

Storytelling is another powerful tool that English teachers are leveraging. ESL students are encouraged to create and share their stories, whether through written narratives or spoken tales. This not only hones their language skills but also sparks their creativity and self-expression. Storytelling activities allow students to relate personally to the language and, in turn, become more engaged in the learning process.

Incorporating music and song lyrics is a popular method for teaching English through rhythm and melody. Lyrics often contain rich vocabulary and can be used to teach grammar and pronunciation in an enjoyable way. Students can sing along, analyze song lyrics, and even create their own music-inspired projects, enhancing their language skills through music.

Real-world simulations are gaining traction in ESL classrooms. Students engage in role plays and simulations of everyday situations, such as shopping, ordering food at a restaurant, or interviewing for a job. These activities provide practical language use, preparing students for real-life interactions and boosting their confidence in using English.

Language exchange programs are another creative approach. ESL students connect with native English speakers or speakers of other languages. This reciprocal learning experience allows for language practice and cultural exchange, enriching students’ understanding of the language and its cultural context.

English teachers are also embracing technology to engage students. Virtual field trips, video conferences with English speakers from around the world, and online language exchange platforms are enhancing students’ language experiences and exposing them to authentic language us.

In conclusion, ESL educators are embracing creative and engaging classroom activities to make language learning a dynamic and enjoyable process. These innovative approaches not only build language proficiency but also inspire a love for the English language. As the ESL teaching landscape continues to evolve, these creative strategies promise to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of language education.

Penulis : Nur Rahmiani M.Pd

Dosen TBI FTIK Mendapatkan Penghargaan sebagai Alumni Inspiratif Tahun 2022

Bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang Ke-77, Ikatan Alumni UPI Komisariat FPIPS secara resmi mengumumkan sejumlah alumni FPIPS sebagai Alumni Inspiratif tahun 2022. Mereka terdiri dari tujuh belas orang dari berbagai kategori. Salah satu dari tujuh belas orang tersebut adalah Dosen Tadris Bahasa Inggris, FTIK IAIN Pontianak yaitu Oki Anggara, M.Si.

Menurut Ketua IKA UPI Komisariat FPIPS, Cecep Darmawan penghargaan diberikan sebagai bentuk apresiasi. “Melalui momentum peringatan HUT Kemerdekaan RI Ke-77 ini kita beri piagam penghargaan pada sejumlah alumni FPIPS yang dipandang inspiratif sesuai bidangnya,” ujarnya. Ia menambahkan sekecil apapun prestasi alumni layak dihargai. Terutama alumni yang memiliki dedikasi, karya, dan pengabdian di berbagai bidang.

Sekretaris IKA UPI Komisariat FPIPS, Deni Kurniawan As’ari mengemukakan penjaringan alumni inspiratif dilakukan secara aktif. “Alumni yang berminat diberi kesempatan untuk mendaftarkan diri melalui google form dengan melampirkan sejumlah berkas yang mendukung,” terang Deni. Deni juga berterimakasih kepada seluruh peserta yang sudah mengikuti ajang ini yang dilaksanakan untuk pertama kalinya. “Mohon maaf kali ini pengahargaan baru berupa piagam, semoga di tahun mendatang dapat dilengkapi hadiah lainnya” pungkasnya.

Setelah melalui proses pemeriksaan dan penilaian ditetapkan ada 17 alumni FPIPS inspiratif tahun 2022 yang meliputi kategori pendidikan, literasi, entrepreneurship, muda berprestasi, pemerintahan, dan Inovasi dan Kreativitas.

Adapun alumni FPIPS untuk Kategori Pendidikan:

  • Terbaik I diraih oleh Sabarudin, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II diraih oleh Tini Sugiartini, M.Pd.

Pada Kategori Literasi:

  • Terbaik I diraih oleh Dr. Dudung Nurullah Koswara, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II diraih oleh Muhammad Rizki Ramdhan, S.Sos., M.Si.

Kategori Entrepreneurship:

  • Terbaik I diraih oleh pada Mila Zahara, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II diraih oleh Trisno, S.Pd., M.M.
  • Terbaik III diperoleh Gilang Satria Dirgantara, S.Pd.

Kategori Muda Berprestasi:

  • Terbaik I, diraih oleh Derry Nodyanto, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II, diraih oleh Harni Marisa, S.Pd., M.M.
  • Terbaik III, diraih oleh Agil Nanggala, M.Pd.
  • Juara Harapan I diraih oleh Fadila Rahmatunnisa,S.Pd.
  • Juara Harapan II diraih oleh Oki Anggara, S.Pd., M.Si.
  • Juara Harapan III diraih oleh Adhimas Dwijatama Maktiyana S.Pd., M.I.Pol.

Kategori Pemerintahan:

  • Terbaik I diraih oleh Dr. Drs. H.R. Iip Hidajat, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II diraihdan Sri Juli Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Si.

Kategori Inovasi dan Kreativitas:

  • Terbaik I diraih oleh Dr. Ida Rohayani, M.Pd.
  • Terbaik II diraih oleh Agam Muhamad Syahril, S.Pd.

Dengan diraihnya penghargaan ini semoga mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris terinspirasi dan termotivasi untuk terus belajar dan berkarya sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki.

Innovative Approaches to Teaching English as a Second Language

In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, English language instruction has seen a significant transformation. Innovative approaches to teaching English as a second language are taking center stage in classrooms around the world. These approaches not only make learning English more engaging but also cater to the diverse needs of learners.

One of the key factors contributing to this shift is technology. Digital tools and platforms have become an integral part of language instruction. Online language learning apps, interactive software, and virtual classrooms are revolutionizing the way English is taught. These tools provide students with a more immersive and interactive learning experience, enabling them to practice their language skills in real-world contexts.

Furthermore, communicative language teaching, a methodology that emphasizes practical communication over traditional rote learning, is gaining ground. It encourages students to engage in authentic conversations, role plays, and real-life scenarios, making language learning more relevant and enjoyable.

Cultural sensitivity is another essential component of modern English language instruction. Educators are integrating cultural elements into their lessons to help students understand the nuances of language within a broader cultural context. This fosters cross-cultural competence, a valuable skill in today’s globalized world.

Incorporating project-based learning and gamification strategies has also proven effective in making English language instruction more enjoyable. Students work on projects and activities that require them to use English in practical ways, fostering a deeper understanding of the language.

These innovative approaches to teaching English are not only improving language proficiency but also boosting learners’ confidence and motivation. As educators continue to embrace these methods, the future of English language instruction appears bright, offering students a richer and more dynamic learning experience.

Penulis : Nanik Shobikah M.Pd