Mahasiswa TBI Raih Prestasi di Lomba Penulisan Esai “Ibuku Inspirasiku”

( Dua Mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris FTIK IAIN Pontianak, Urai Zahwa dan Fitriyeh berhasil menjadi 10 Besar Writing Esay “Ibuku Inspirasiku” yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Gender dan Anak (PSGA) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak, Kamis (23/02) di Aula Syeikh Abdul Rani.

Ketua Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Sulaiman, M.Pd mengaku bangga atas pencapaian mahasiswanya. Ia mengungkapkan jika ini merupakan kabar Bahagia bagi FTIK dan TBI khususnya. Ia berharap semoga prestasi ini memberi motivasi kepada mahasiswa lainnya untuk berkarya dan berprestasi pula di kemudian hari.

Selain pengumuman pemenang sekaligus penyerahan hadiah bagi peserta terpilih, acara tersebut juga dilanjutkan dengan seminar gender “Ibuku Inspirasiku” yang diisi oleh pemateri pertama, Hj. Bebby Nailufa, S.E., M.Sos, pemateri kedua, Dr. Fitri Kusumayanti, M.Si, dan pemateri ketiga Vinna Lusiana, S. H., M. Kn.

Dalam sesi seminar, Dr. Fitri Kusumayanti, M. Si menyampaikan bahwa dengan doa ibulah seorang anak mendapatkan keberkahan dalam hidup. “Salah satu berkah yang kita dapatkan  adalah doa dari seorang ibu, ibu adalah salah satu jalan bagi kita untuk mendapatkan surga,” jelasnya.

Penulis: Primatasha Desvira Dizza

Editor: Septian Utut Sugiatno

Original Post can be accessed in here.

Materi Bermain Peran (Role Play) Memeriahkan Pembelajaran di Indonesia Cakap Literasi

Dalam rangka meningkatkan keterampilan literasi di kalangan pelajar, kegiatan “Indonesia Cakap Literasi” menggelar sesi berharga yang membahas Materi Bermain Peran (Role Play). Narasumber terkemuka, N.R David, S.Ag, Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd, dan Feni Nurhaliza, membawa semangat baru ke dalam pembelajaran kreatif.

N.R David, S.Ag, membuka sesi dengan membahas pentingnya peran bermain dalam proses pembelajaran. Beliau mengilustrasikan bagaimana pendekatan ini dapat membangun keterampilan komunikasi, kepercayaan diri, dan pemahaman terhadap konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd, memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang penerapan role play dalam pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa. Dengan menggabungkan kecerdasan emosional dan sosial, beliau menunjukkan bagaimana kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa untuk beradaptasi dalam berbagai situasi komunikasi.

Feni Nurhaliza, sebagai mahasiswa yang terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan, memberikan testimoni tentang pengalaman positifnya dalam bermain peran. “Role play memberikan peluang untuk kami mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dalam konteks nyata. Hal ini membuat pembelajaran lebih hidup dan berkesan,” ungkapnya.

Sesi role play tidak hanya menjadi platform kreatif untuk mengasah keterampilan berbahasa, tetapi juga mengajarkan siswa untuk memahami berbagai perspektif. Aktivitas ini memicu diskusi interaktif dan memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk berkolaborasi dalam menyusun narasi dan mengeksplorasi berbagai situasi kehidupan.

”Indonesia Cakap Literasi” terus membuktikan komitmennya untuk memperkaya metode pembelajaran dengan melibatkan para narasumber berkompeten. Materi Bermain Peran (Role Play) diharapkan dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi sekolah dan guru untuk mengintegrasikan pendekatan yang inovatif dalam meningkatkan literasi di kalangan siswa.

Innovative Approaches to English Teaching: Engaging the Digital Generation

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, English teaching methods have seen a remarkable transformation. With the digital age upon us, educators are now tasked with engaging the tech-savvy, digital generation in new and innovative ways.

Gone are the days of rote memorization and monotonous grammar drills. Today’s English teachers are harnessing the power of technology and creative pedagogical techniques to make learning the English language more engaging and effective than ever before.

One of the key drivers of this transformation is the integration of multimedia and interactive resources. From educational apps and virtual reality to online language learning platforms, educators are leveraging the digital world to create immersive language learning experiences. These tools not only appeal to the tech-savvy nature of today’s learners but also make language acquisition more fun and interactive.

Moreover, English teachers are increasingly adopting project-based learning approaches. Students are encouraged to work on real-world projects that involve researching, creating, and presenting in English. This not only enhances language skills but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Another innovative approach gaining traction is the use of gamification in language teaching. Gamified lessons, through elements of competition and rewards, make learning English a captivating adventure. Gamification not only increases student engagement but also motivates learners to keep improving their language skills.

Furthermore, the role of AI and chatbots in English language education is expanding. AI-powered chatbots provide instant language practice and feedback, allowing students to practice their English conversation skills at any time. These tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and personalized, tailoring the learning experience to individual students.

In conclusion, the landscape of English language teaching is undergoing a dynamic shift, with innovation at its forefront. As educators adapt to the needs and preferences of the digital generation, we can expect an exciting future for English language learning, where technology, creativity, and interactivity play pivotal roles in engaging and educating the English learners of today.

Penulis : Nanik Shobikah M.Pd

Effective Strategies for Teaching English Pronunciation

In the realm of English language instruction, mastering pronunciation is a crucial aspect of effective communication. As educators and learners alike recognize the significance of clear and accurate pronunciation, new strategies and approaches are emerging to enhance this skill.

English pronunciation often poses challenges for learners due to its diverse sounds and accents. To address this, innovative strategies are being developed to help learners improve their pronunciation and reduce language barriers.

One such approach is the use of phonetic transcription. Phonetic symbols are employed to visually represent the sounds of the English language, making it easier for students to understand and practice correct pronunciation. This method provides a clear and systematic way to tackle the intricacies of English sounds.

Speech recognition technology is another tool that is transforming the teaching of pronunciation. Speech recognition software can analyze a learner’s pronunciation and provide instant feedback, enabling them to make necessary adjustments in real-time. This technology not only enhances the learning experience but also promotes independent practice.

Interactive pronunciation apps and online resources are also becoming more prevalent. These platforms offer learners a chance to practice their pronunciation through interactive exercises and receive immediate feedback. Many of these apps come with engaging features, such as voice recognition and pronunciation games, making learning pronunciation an enjoyable experience.

Incorporating speaking and listening exercises into the curriculum is vital for improving pronunciation. Classroom activities that involve dialogues, role plays, and conversational practice are highly effective. Immersion programs that encourage students to communicate in English as much as possible help learners adapt to the natural rhythm and intonation of the language.

English educators are increasingly aware of the importance of cultural sensitivity when teaching pronunciation. By understanding the cultural context of English and its various accents, students can better appreciate the nuances of pronunciation. This not only promotes clear communication but also enriches learners’ cultural awareness.

In conclusion, effective strategies for teaching English pronunciation are evolving with the integration of technology, phonetic transcription, speech recognition, and interactive learning resources. A combination of these approaches, along with cultural sensitivity and immersive experiences, empowers learners to achieve clearer and more accurate English pronunciation. These developments are instrumental in helping English language learners break down barriers and communicate more confidently in a globalized world.

Penulis : Nur Rahmiani M.Pd

Promoting Cultural Awareness in English Language Education

In a globalized world, cultural awareness has become an essential component of English language education. Educators are recognizing that language learning is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about understanding and appreciating the diverse cultures that English represents. This realization is driving a shift towards promoting cultural awareness in English language classrooms.

Cultural awareness in language education goes beyond learning about customs and traditions; it involves fostering an appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures that use English as a means of communication. Here are some key aspects of this trend:

1. **Incorporating Multicultural Content**: English educators are diversifying their teaching materials to include content from a wide range of English-speaking regions. Students are exposed to literature, music, films, and other media that reflect the cultural diversity within the English-speaking world.

2. **Cross-Cultural Communication**: Language classes are increasingly emphasizing the importance of effective cross-cultural communication. Students are encouraged to develop intercultural competence, which enables them to navigate the complexities of interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds.

3. **Language and Culture Integration**: Language and culture are intertwined. Educators are helping students understand how language is influenced by culture and how culture, in turn, shapes language. This connection enhances language learning by making it more meaningful.

4. **Cultural Exchange Programs**: Many language programs are incorporating cultural exchange initiatives that allow students to interact with native speakers and experience the culture firsthand. These experiences are invaluable in developing cultural empathy and understanding.

5. **Critical Examination of Stereotypes**: Language classes are providing a platform for students to critically examine cultural stereotypes and biases. Encouraging open dialogue about these issues helps challenge preconceived notions and fosters a more inclusive and empathetic society.

6. **Language and Identity**: Language is deeply connected to identity. English educators are helping students explore the role of language in shaping personal and collective identities, which leads to a more profound appreciation of cultural diversity.

Promoting cultural awareness in English language education has far-reaching benefits. It not only equips students with the skills to engage effectively in a globalized world but also fosters empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness. These qualities are essential in today’s interconnected society, where understanding and appreciating diverse cultures are prerequisites for success, both academically and professionally.

In conclusion, the promotion of cultural awareness in English language education represents a positive and necessary shift in the field. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural contexts in which English is used, educators are preparing students not only to master the language but also to become global citizens who can navigate an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Penulis : Dr. Istiqamah Malik, MA

Mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Pontianak secara Perdana Sukses Menggelar Pentas Drama

Acara teater Mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa inggris diselenggarakan terbuka untuk umum selama dua hari pada tanggal 14-15 Januari di Aula Abdur Rani. Rabu (25/01/2023). Drama yang dipentaskan oleh Mahasiswa TBI (Tadris Bahasa Inggris) semester 3 awalnya merupakan pemenuhan tugas Ujian Akhir Semester.

Awal mulanya memang untuk UAS, tapi ini juga untuk menunjukkan bahwa TBI punya kegiatan pementasan drama dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris walaupun pertama kali alias perdana pementasan” ungkap Miss Riska Anggraini, M.Pd. selaku dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah Spoken English for Beginners.

Drama yang dipentaskan bergenre komedi dan romance. Pada hari pertama dengan melakonkan drama yang berjudul “Cinta Selengket Kurap” serta “Jaka Tarub dan Nawang Wulan” pemain lakon terbilang sukses membangkitkan gairah penonton untuk larut dalam cerita. Penonton pun bukan hanya dari dalam kampus IAIN pontianak namun juga penikmat teater dari kampus lain.

Di hari kedua atmospere kemeriahan di Aula Abdur Rani tidak juga surut. Penonton nampak antusias saat menyaksikan pertunjukan teater “Cinderella” serta “Penggali Kubur dan Pelakor”. Acara juga dimeriahkan penampilan spesial oleh Tika Ayu Lestari salah satu Mahasiswa berbakat Tadris Bahasa Inggris dengan membawakan beberapa lagu.

Walaupun termasuk perdana namun Mahasiswa TBI cukup sukses dalam mementaskan empat judul drama dalam dua hari tersebut. Persiapan menuju teater yang berbulan-bulan tidak luput dari support dan apresiasi pihak Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris serta kerja sama dengan beberapa pihak, salah satunya Unit Kerja Mahasiswa (UKM) Teater Komsan.

Bukan tanpa alasan memilih teater sebagai pertunjukan. Miss Riska menilai bahwa selain untuk melatih skill bahasa inggris mahasiswa, pentas lakon ini juga dapat mengasah kreativitas dalam kerja sama team.

“Biar mahasiswa lebih bisa mengekspresikan dan menjiwai dalam bermain role play atau bermain peran. Adanya drama ini juga bisa membuat mahasiswa lebih akrab, sharing, teamwork. Harapan miss juga semoga mahasiswa/i TBI bisa lebih lagi mengekspresikan dan menunjukkan lebih banyak lagi kreativitas” Tutup Miss Riska yang juga merupakan salah satu penggagas acara.

Penulis: Cici Paramida

Narasumber Pendampingan Listening Comprehension Melalui Lagu Bahasa Inggris

Tim pengembangan pendidikan di bawah kepemimpinan Ketua tim Nanik Shobikah, M.Pd, menyelenggarakan kegiatan berjudul “Narasumber Pendampingan Listening Comprehension Melalui Lagu Bahasa Inggris.” Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemahaman mendengarkan (listening comprehension) siswa melalui pendekatan kreatif menggunakan lagu Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam acara ini, dosen anggota PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa), Nur Rahmiani, M.Pd, membagikan strategi dan metode efektif dalam mengintegrasikan lagu Bahasa Inggris sebagai alat untuk melatih pemahaman mendengarkan. Beliau menyoroti keunggulan pendekatan ini dalam menciptakan pembelajaran yang lebih menyenangkan dan interaktif.

Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini, seperti Feni Nurhaliza dan Efyu Rahmah Shalihah, memberikan testimonial tentang pengalaman mereka dalam menggunakan lagu sebagai sarana belajar. Mereka menyampaikan bagaimana metode ini membantu mereka memahami kosakata dan intonasi dengan lebih baik.

Sesi workshop interaktif mengajak peserta untuk merancang strategi pengajaran dengan menggabungkan lagu Bahasa Inggris dalam kurikulum. Diskusi dan pertanyaan dari peserta membuat acara ini lebih dinamis dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terkait penggunaan musik sebagai alat pembelajaran.

Dengan semangat kolaboratif, kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan inspirasi dan metode baru bagi pendidik dalam mengembangkan keterampilan listening comprehension siswa.

The Power of Storytelling in English Teaching: Enhancing Language Acquisition

Storytelling, a timeless and universal art, is proving to be a potent tool in the realm of English teaching. Educators worldwide are recognizing the immense benefits of incorporating storytelling into language instruction to enhance language acquisition, engagement, and retention.

Storytelling offers a compelling narrative structure that captures the imagination and interest of learners. Whether in the form of traditional tales, modern fiction, or personal anecdotes, stories provide context, emotion, and cultural insight that help students connect with the English language on a deeper level.

One of the primary advantages of using storytelling in English teaching is the improvement of listening and comprehension skills. Students are exposed to varied accents, tones, and colloquial language through narratives, making them more attuned to real-world conversational nuances.

Furthermore, storytelling encourages active participation and interaction in the learning process. Students can engage in discussions about the story, share their interpretations, and even create their narratives. This not only enhances speaking and writing skills but also fosters critical thinking and creativity.

Cultural awareness and empathy are nurtured through stories that depict different societies, perspectives, and experiences. English language learners gain a broader view of the world as they explore narratives from various cultures, eras, and backgrounds.

Incorporating multimedia and technology amplifies the impact of storytelling. Podcasts, audiobooks, videos, and interactive storytelling apps provide students with diverse formats to explore and engage with stories in English.

Additionally, storytelling can be tailored to the proficiency level of learners. Simple, straightforward stories can be used with beginners, while complex narratives challenge advanced learners. This adaptability ensures that storytelling remains an effective tool for all stages of English language education.

Educators often use storytelling to enhance vocabulary and grammar skills. Learners encounter new words and grammatical structures within the context of a narrative, making language acquisition more organic and enjoyable.

In conclusion, the power of storytelling in English teaching is evident in its ability to captivate students, enhance listening and comprehension skills, promote active engagement, cultivate cultural awareness, and adapt to various proficiency levels. With the diverse range of stories available today and the integration of technology, storytelling remains a dynamic and indispensable tool in the arsenal of English language educators, enriching language acquisition and fostering a love for the language.

Penulis: Vibry Andina Nurhidayah Hum

Mahasiswa TBI Raih Juara 2 E-Sport Mobile Legend dalam Ajang Galeri Olahraga IAIN Pontianak 2022

Ajang Galeri Olahraga IAIN Pontianak 2022 ini di laksanakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 15 Desember 2022 di WK.OTENTIK, Jl. Halmahera I No.77, Akcaya, Kec. Pontianak Selatan, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113. Ada beberapa cabang olahraga yang dikompetisikan di antaranya yaitu futsal, tenis meja, bola voli, catur, badminton, dan e-sport.

Adapun mahasiswa TBI yang mengikuti ajang ini tergabung dalam “Tim TBI Anak Baik” yang beranggotakan:

  • Muhammad Ferdinan Ahadi
  • Muhammad Tegar Saputra
  • Muhammad Aditya Armanda
  • Kevin
  • Anggi Satria

Tim TBI Anak Baik ini berhasil meraih juara 2 dalam cabang e-sport. Ada j32 tim/peserta yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan skill mahasiswa di bidang olahraga lapangan maupun e-sport.

Penulis: Kevin